Our Vision;
To see everyone Experience God; Grow in Freedom; and Follow Jesus
Our Mission;
To lead people to a growing relationship with Jesus
Our Process;
 Believe: believe in Jesus Christ and be saved
Belong: belong to a church family
Become: become all that God has created you to be
We Believe;
 *The Bible to be the only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
*There is one God, eternally existent in three persons; Father, Son, and Hold Spirit.
*Jesus Christ is both fully man and fully God in nature.
*Jesus came to earth and was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, doing signs and wonders.
*Jesus died a death of atonement for us, paying for all our sins.
*Jesus was raised in bodily form, ascending to the right hand of God the Father.
*Jesus is returning to earth one day, in all His power and glory, to bring about His physical kingdom on earth.
*Salvation is only found by putting our faith in the saving work of Jesus. This gift of salvation is offered to everyone.
*The church are all those that accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation, bringing them into a spiritual unity in Jesus.
*The local church that functions under the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the primary representative of the Kingdom of God on earth.
*To the church are entrusted the ordinances of the believers Baptism, and the Lord’s supper.
*The Holy Spirit is present and working in the lives of the believers, and by His indwelling, enables us to live Godly lives. He provides supernatural gifts, and empowers the church to do it’s work, life, and worship.
*There is an eternal heaven and an eternal hell, with heaven being a place of God’s presence and glory, and hell being a place reserved for the devil and his angels.
*One day, every person will be resurrected to eternity; the saved to life in heaven, and the lost to damnation in hell.